Wednesday, October 19, 2016

On the encountering of a witch who thinks they have a racial pass

There is no racial pass. There is no racial pass. There is no racial pass. One more time, there is no racial pass. There is no racial pass given to magickal practitioners who move in the the spaces of the urban magician to form their lips to say the word "nigg--" or "nigga". Whether you put any prefix in front of it, it does not negate the filth that follows. There is no racial pass.

There is no racial pass. No amount of branding or fictive kinship exists to endow the right of any person to take license to use that word as part of their identity. It does not matter that another of diasporic identity may use it casually, like a fool, to describe themselves or their comrades. There is no magickal reality to the  existence of a racial pass being given to anyone to use a racially insulting, derogatory, bigoted, or degrading terminology. There is no racial pass.

There is no racial pass that anyone with any emotional intelligence or cultural awareness of the history of this hemisphere may use to excuse the use of that nasty and horrid verbal lash. There are no "cool point" levels to attain that lead to a super sacred status that allows it. There is no person of any worth to themselves, or to the diaspora, that deserves to not be checked about its use.There is no racial pass.

There is no racial pass given to celebrity or fame or rank. There is no racial pass. There is no racial pass that exists that would excuse me betraying my conscience and staying silent on this matter. There is nothing that would wipe the stain of it from the reflection I see, no solvent that would clean my confession.

There is no bond of friendship, peerage, or membership in the modern wave of urban folk spirituality practitioners that would override my honor in this matter. It is out of love that I write this. The only way for there to be no gap in our grasps of each others hands is that we remove the feel of the filth between them that this word and its derivatives pour over everything like slime from the spiritual charnel pits it created. There is no racial pass.

There is no racial pass that says that if a single person, or group of persons, tells you that the usage of a slur is acceptable by them that has any validity. There is no universal pass that states because segments of a historically murdered, persecuted, oppressed, and hated group use a vile term in conversation to refer to themselves of others that exempts ANYONE from recognizing that its usage is wicked and evil.

There is no racial pass. There is in reality, no "card", black or otherwise, that is a license to use it for anything - especially as a brand. The pain and suffering and deaths of my ancestors, parents, grandparents, and descendants is not a charm bracelet sparkle that one can put on their hashtag wrists. My familial historical outrage is not for sale, it is not a fashion statement. There is no racial pass.

There is no racial pass. The need to be raw, edgy, to refer to your street authenticity is what you say is truth, but it should taste a lie. There is no equivalent linguistic contortionist's justification for any other people's magick being so casually linked to the language of those that would destroy them. There is no correlation to the synaptic reactions experienced in the terms for other Traditions of magick and folk lore that feel the same. Granny magic, Hex magic, Celtic magick, do not fire the same responses. Calling yourself a "witchnigga" is not the damned same. There is no racial pass.

There is no racial pass. Creativity is not an excuse for outrage for outrage's sake. There is no room for misunderstanding on matters of this gravity. There is no corner shadowed enough for me to hide in that would hide my villainy for not writing on this.This is about more than a hashtag and your right to craft it.

I do not believe in censorship. Artistic freedom is essential in a democracy. There would be no Eugene O'Neill, Laurie Anderson or Tupac Shakur if we had censorship. But I do believe artists have a responsibility for what they say and do. - Dr. Cornel West

There is no racial pass. There is no racial pass that states that because you put a "ga" on the end of the word nigg-- instead of an "er" that is somehow transforms into a wondrous term of universally acceptable colloquial speech. There is no excuse or rationalization for proliferating that term as anything other than a hate-filled, malicious weapon. That word is a servitor of the basest rank that has risen to the heights of murder and even attempted genocide in this nation. The LIE of semantic inversion being applied to it means NOTHING. It is NEVER acceptable. There is no racial pass.

There is no racial pass. It does not matter that I think you are otherwise a good person. When you refuse to see anything wrong when someone plainly explains what is very wrong, then you have chosen to cling to wickedness. Willful defiance in the face of reality in this case is not insanity, it is the practice of the privilege of the so-called "racial pass holder", and it is odious and offensive to everyone. There is no justification. There is no racial pass.

There is no racial pass. The fact that this term lives in a place of power, in a set of society of witchcraft and magick. The fact that the term "hood" is loose enough to use, but you took it to another step and publicly put that word "nigga" your brand. I do not care how many times that word has been used around, about, or to you, it is not ok. It is not the next logical step in cutting edge urban identity as a witch. It is not the tongue in cheek, it is the fist in face. There is no racial pass.

There is no racial pass. By using the "ga" you seek to take it to a different place. That word is a weapon. There is no place to take it that leads to anything good and upright. Words have power, and that word is a weapon. As far as taking it to a different place in the conversation of urban practice, a quote from a writer comes to mind.

The rule is that if they have a weapon and want to take you someplace else, it is so they can kill you slower" - Laurell K. Hamilton, The Harlequin

That is what is happening to the diasporic peoples with the powers in their hands. That is what is happening to the witches and conjurers and others who are entrusted with these traditions as the people who are visitors in these spaces have begun to mine them. They who would destroy us use these terms. If you are not among them, then why use their weapons. WE are not your magickal Patrice Lumumba's, and we will not stand by while our collective traditions are belittled and assassinated by those words. There is no racial pass.

There is no racial pass. To the self hating proliferating people who continue to push forth the notion that this word is ever good in any sense, I say to you the same. There is no racial pass. To use this term on our friend, or enemy, is to align with the strap, the lash, the blade, and the club used to bash our people. You are no different than the slave who would turn in their fellow as he escaped. You are the other half of the tumor that grows in this practice. You will not be forgotten, and if you are lucky, you one day will abhor that which you do now. If not, we shall cut you from us like a rotten wound's tissue and leave you on the bloody floor of our past. For you, too, there is no racial pass.

There is no racial pass. No one has the ability to grant clemency or privilege to use that word to any other person, especially any person who is not of the lineage of those who have inherited the legacy and continued reality of all that it means. It is decidedly one of the most vulgar abuses of privilege I may have witnessed by anyone in my movements through the local magickal societies, and I am shocked. There is no racial pass.

There is no racial pass.